Scouts – Badges you can do at home
SCOUTS – badges you can do at home #1
Hello Scouts,
I was thinking about some badges you could do while you are spending time at home. I would particularly love to create online albums of your art and photography!
Remember – Scout law #6 A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
Work independently! Give your grown-ups a break! Be helpful!
If you want to share what you’ve done, email me on [email protected]

1. Paint, draw or illustrate each of these:
– a scene from a story
– a person or object
– a landscape.
2. Show a selection of your own recent work. (Nothing to say you can’t show it virtually! Take photos of your work and email me.)

See the badge requirements here:,64,779&moduleID=10
You can email photographs to us or send us a link to an online album. As for the other requirements – just tell us about it in the email you send.

To achieve this badge you need to make or decorate one or more articles using, whenever possible, original design ideas.
You should discuss this project beforehand with a member of your leadership team. It should take around six hours to complete the project.
See suggestions for the type of thing you could make here:,64,779&moduleID=10
You can email me for the ‘discuss beforehand’ bit.

Complete four of these activities. Talk about your choice with an appropriate adult. (Appropriate adult could be a parent – or maybe a family member you can’t visit at the moment – email them, they’ll enjoy reading your work!)
– Compose a poem of at least eight lines.
– Create a short story of around 600 words.
– Write a descriptive passage of around 600 words on a subject, agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
– Write a 600-word review of a favourite book, play or other work of literature and talk about it with an appropriate adult.
– Produce a published article of around 600 words in length. You could contribute to a school, faith, community or Scout magazine or write a letter to a local paper.
– Keep a diary on a subject, for a length of time agreed with an appropriate adult beforehand.
– Write a play or dramatic sketch lasting at least 10 minutes.
– Interview a local celebrity, or other notable person. Write or type out the interview to show the questions you asked and the interviewee’s replies. (Phone/video interviews are fine!)
– Write a letter to a pen pal (real or imaginary) of at least 600 words.

Show that you know how to look after books and e-readers. (You could tidy, organise and repair books at home!)
2. Show that you can use a library catalogue. (Bristol Libraries catalogue is online)
3. Explain how fiction and non-fiction books are arranged on the shelves. Why are they treated differently? (Or do some online research into the difference? How are they presented differently in an online bookshop?)
4. Learn what is meant by a reference book or material. Use some of these references to gather information for a journey with a purpose. (Plan a future trip – something to look forward to! Again, reference material is all available online)
5. Show how you would search for information using the internet.
6. Talk to your assessor about:
books you have read and why you enjoyed them (Email us – we could share book suggestions as a troop).