Useful Links
The Scouts website is useful for ideas and a broader understanding of the Scouting movement:
Online Scout Manager (OSM)
Guide to OSM payments: Payment Information for Parents
We currently use OSM to record personal information such as contact details, it is also used to make payments for subs and activities.
Please Note: OSM can be updated by parents too so that we can always have access to the most up-to-date information to ensure the safety of our Scouts.
Parents can also use the system to give consent for photographs and agree to Gift Aid (Gift Aid allows us to claim on parents subscriptions, it increases our income but at no cost to parents … which is nice!)
Facebook (This is a closed group only open to members):
Privacy Policy and Data Privacy Notice:
A Beaver Colony is organised into smaller groups called Lodges. Lodges can be used in a number of ways to facilitate the organisation of the Beaver Scout Colony.
During their time in the Colony, Beaver Scouts will get a chance to try a wide range of different activities as well as going on trips, days out, and on sleepovers. Participation, rather than meeting set standards, is the key approach, and there are a range of badges and challenge awards that Beaver Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.
Further information about badges and awards for the Beaver section can be found here.
There are a number of variations of the Beaver Scout Promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes, and nationalities, in the UK within Scouting.
For Christians, Jews and Sikhs
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.
For Hindus and Buddhists
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love my Dharma.
For humanists, atheists and those with no defined faith
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love our world.
For Muslims
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love Allah.
Further information about the Promise in Scouting can be found here.
The Beaver Scout Law
There is no formal Beaver Scout Law. The concepts expressed in the Scout Law are to be presented to Beaver Scouts through games, storytelling and other informal activities.
The Beaver Scout Motto
Be prepared
Beaver Scouts may wear a turquoise sweatshirt with a Group scarf (often called a necker) and a woggle which identifies their Lodge.

The Cub Pack is organised into small groups called Sixes, each headed up by a Cub called a Sixer and a Seconder as well. Sixes can be used in a number of ways to facilitate the organisation of the Cub Scout Pack. All of the Sixes are headed up by a Senior Sixer.
During their time in the Pack, Cub Scouts will get a chance to try a wide range of different activities as well as going on trips, days out, and on camps. Participation and personal development, rather than meeting set standards, is the key approach, and there are a range of badges and challenge awards that Cub Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.
Further information about badges and awards for the Cub section can be found here.
There are a number of variations of the Cub Scout Promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes, and nationalities, in the UK within Scouting.
For Hindus and Buddhists
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to my Dharma
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.
For Muslims
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to Allah
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.
For humanists, atheists and those with no defined faith
I promise that I will do my best
to uphold our Scout values,
to do my duty to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.
For Christians, Jews and Sikhs
I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.
Further information about The Promise in Scouting can be found here.
The Cub Scout Law:
Cub Scouts always do their best
Think of others before themselves
And do a good turn every day.
The Cub Scout Motto:
Be Prepared
Cubs may wear a dark green sweatshirt with a Group scarf (often called a necker) and a woggle in the colour of their Six.

A Scout Troop is divided into small groups called Patrols, each headed up by an older Scout called a Patrol Leader, and often with an Assistant Patrol Leader.
Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme including traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing. Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there are a number of badges and awards that Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.
Further information about badges and awards for the Scout section can be found here.
The Scout Promise
There are a number of variations of the Scout Promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes, and nationalities, in the UK within Scouting.
For Muslims
In the name of Allah,
the Most Beneficial
and the Most Merciful,
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to Allah
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.
For Christians, Jews and Sikhs
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.
For Hindus and Buddhists
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to my Dharma
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.
For humanists, atheists and those with no defined faith
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
to uphold our Scout values,
to do my duty to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.
The Scout Law
1. A Scout is to be trusted.
2. A Scout is loyal.
3. A Scout is friendly and considerate.
4. A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
6. A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
7. A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.
The Scout Motto
Be Prepared
Scouts wear a teal green shirt or blouse, navy blue activity trousers or skirt, a group scarf with a woggle, and a Scout belt.