Camp at Home, April 2020

Thank you SO much to all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of the 91st Bristol! You guys are amazing and it’s been brilliant seeing your Camp at Home photos over the last two days! What awesome bunch of young people you are!

And another HUGE thank you to all the adults at home who have made this possible! Lots of you are juggling work, kids at home and lockdown, so thank you so much for saying yes when your Beaver, Cub or Scout has asked you if they can join in. I hope your young people have tidied up after themselves!

Beavers’ Garden Bingo!
The Tiger who Came to Tea
Oscar making Boho Stew

Juggling & Clowning

Welcome to Clown School!
Trampolining Clowns

Juggling Success!

Go Eloise!
Go on Ethan!
Now just repeat, repeat, repeat!!
Next Level Camp set up from Jack!
Find these badge guides on Parent Portal, Badges

How to make Overnight Oats

Trying out ‘Flat Lay’ photography for the Photographer Badge. ‘Survival Kit’ Photo by Emma Auton-Green.
The Solar System by Alex. See Astronomer Badges at Home on Parent Portal to try this yourself!

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